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As we always say to our buying clients, it is key to ‘paint the entire canvas’ to understand the broader market and sales activity to be able to put any purchase into context. It is absolutely the same when selling and just as key.

How does your property fit into the market, how does it compare, what is its relative condition and what is the best approach to achieve a sale.

The more you know, simply the more likely you are to choose the right pricing and marketing strategy to achieve the best result.

With our geographically niche business approach providing unrivalled local knowledge and connections, potential sellers often ask us to visit when they are in the early stages of considering a sale. We will first and foremost cover recent ‘on’ and ‘off / private’ market activity utilising our bespoke and geographically niche database to put your home into the most relevant context. We will draw on our connections in the local building trade to add further insight into the figures that other property owners locally are putting into their homes and also consider rarity in the context of the properties opportunity value. All of which will give the most informed view on a target sales price.

We will further advise on marketing strategies such as private placement against a full market launch and the timing of such. We will advise on any works required to lift your home for sale. We also know the sales agents well that operate in the area and can make suitable introductions when the time is right depending on the marketing strategy chosen.

Trading activity

Insight into recent unpublished ‘on’ and ‘off’ market activity be it agreed prices, number of buyers competing or not and length of time on the market.

Pricing insight

Deep database history of area pricing for sold and unsold / marketed properties to ensure clients have the broadest market context possible


Utilising our professional and personal network to provide further insight for comparison purposes.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out should you require our advice on your potential sale or even are just interested in what your home is worth. Get in touch

Mark’s insight into the market and all that was going on at that present moment and historically was just invaluable. It helped us agree a target sales price and a plan to move forward. He assisted with sales agents visiting our property, we then discussed further the sales strategy. He advised us over the course of the sale as well, where despite the tricky market conditions, we achieved competition. Many thanks indeed.

Mr & Mrs C