Building advice from first-hand experience
Many of the opportunities we find our clients, in this market of finite supply, require either renovation or even a new build. Having recently built our own family home from scratch on the beachfront in Bracklesham we are well placed to advice accordingly adding significant value.
Ahead of making an offer on a property / plot we can discuss the process in its entirety covering broad local planning advice, estimated current build costs, highlight areas where costs can easily escalate and of course importantly make suitable professional introductions to planning consultants, architects and builders. All of which assists hugely in helping clients proceed with confidence into what could otherwise be an uncertain and daunting exercise.
”The thought of a new build was unnerving. The pre offer trusted advise from local build and planning related professionals coordinated by Mark was vital in giving us a clear understanding of what we were getting ourselves into. Without this advice I expect we would have bottled it and missed out on a truly special and rare opportunity. Thank you!
Mr & Mrs Thorburn